Brother-Sister Birthday Party

When we found out we were pregnant with Judah, we realized his due date was 2 days after Eliot’s due date had been. Well, I realized that. Jackson had no idea, let’s be honest.

 Anyways, one of my first thoughts were “oh no, how are we going to manage two birthdays a week apart?!”. I was hoping Judah would come early. Eliot had been two weeks late, so if he had come a couple weeks early, we could potentially have a solid month between them. But, naturally, that didn’t happen. Judah’s birthday is July 16th and Eliot’s is July 25th and so this year was our first (probably of many) combined party’s.

Looking for combined party theme ideas? Read all about their “Mermaid and Shark” party here!


I was kind of worried about it for a few reasons. My first worry was that Eliot loves all things pink and girly and I knew she would be bummed with a theme that wasn’t those things. The second was how do we make sure they both feel special and celebrated? Granted, this was easier this year because Judah had absolutely no idea what was going on, so I feel like that will be harder in the future.

 Interested in photography? Read all about which cameras are best for moms here

When I started thinking through a dual theme, I knew I wanted something fitting for Judah’s first birthday but that was hard when trying to make it a good fit for something Eliot would like as well. I had a couple ideas, but I kept coming back to a baseball theme for Judah’s first birthday, because our family loves baseball and it’s so fitting for a summer birthday. Also, my mother in law gave him the cutest outfit that I loved.

 One day, Eliot wanted to go “play baseball” (basically knock over her tee over and over again) and she looked so cute and after I took a picture, all I could see was “A League of Their Own”. And then it hit me! The perfect dual theme! “Judah’s Rookie Year” and “Eliot’s in a League of Her Own”!

So I took that and ran with it! I’m really happy with how it turned out! Most of it was DIY, other than a couple table decorations and the Rookie Year banner I got on amazon here.

Brother and Sister Combined Birthday Party



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